Trees For Streams

The Winooski Natural Resource Conservation District (WNRCD) is currently seeking landowners within the District who live along rivers or streams and are interested in installing a 35ft wide riparian buffer on their property in 2017 to control streambank erosion and floodplain protection.

Riparian buffers are the grasses, shrubs, and/or trees that grow along streams. In natural conditions these plants colonize streambanks, controlling erosion and helping to filter and clean stormwater runoff before it enters our waterways. Without this protection, streambanks become unstable, erode, and become a greater source of non-point source pollution.

According to the Lake Champlain Basin Program’s most recent State of the Lake report, the erosion of streambanks accounts for roughly 20% of VT’s total phosphorus loads into the Lake.

If you own property along a stream or river and would be interested in having a riparian buffer planted on your property; please fill out the interest form below

Trees For Streams Interest Form