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News and Events

Come join the Stream Team revitalize the Landry Park Rain Garden on Sunday, September 24th at Landry Park (53 Pine St, Winooski, VT 05404) from 12pm-2pm. At this event volunteers will be learning about the value of rain gardens as Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) in our communities and restoring the rain garden on the North Street side of Landry park. Volunteers will be:
● Pulling weeds in the garden
● Removing any trash from the garden
● Removing sediment from the inflow of the garden using a flat shovel
● Pruning back existing vegetation
● Planting perennials
Be sure to bring your gardening gloves and water! This event is rain or shine!
Please register for this event online at the link below:
Learn more about rain gardens at the link below:
Did you know that gardens help keep Lake Champlain clean? Rain gardens are a type of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) designed to capture and clean stormwater runoff. During a rainstorm this garden acts like a sponge, absorbing and filtering runoff from the parking lot and nearby roads. The bowl-shaped design of the garden allows the water to slow down and skink into the groundwater instead of flowing over paved surfaces where it could pick up pollutants and deposit them in streams and lakes. The plants in a garden uptake nutrients in runoff such as phosphorus to prevent them from reaching bays and lakes, where they can cause harmful algae blooms. These plants
were specially selected to provide habitats for native pollinators, such as butterflies, bees, and moths.
To learn more about rain gardens and find information on how to construct your own, please view the Vermont Rain Garden Manual at the link below:
Please direct any questions to WNRCD Conservation Specialist, Adelaide Dumm, at
Past Events – Information and resources from past workshops and conferences
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